South Bay Adult School (SBAS) Home

News & Announcements

SBAS Campus Improvements

We are excited to welcome you to our newly updated campus. Thanks to the RBUSD Maintenance and Operations Department we now have all new concrete flatwork and refreshed parking lots. Technology upgrades will be coming soon to all classrooms! Come join our professional learning environment.

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What we believe in....

At SBAS we believe that continual learning is essential to fulfilling human potential.  To that end, we strive to create a customer centered environment for meaningful, enjoyable and affordable classes that reflect the ever-changing goals and interests in our community.

Why we are here...

South Bay Adult School, serving the Beach community for over 90 years. We offer a wide variety of classes in a safe, healthy and relaxing environment.  SBAS is located in Los Angeles County, California.

What our goal is...

Our goal at South Bay Adult School (SBAS) is to empower adult learners in our English as a Second Language (ESL), Adult Secondary Education (ASE)/high school diploma, or Adult Basic Education (ABE)/high school equivalency programs to communicate effectively and pursue continuous learning while increasing their contributions to our ever-changing world. Collaboratively, we are designing and strengthening pathways to prepare students for success in both college and career. These pathways aim to support students in entering, navigating and completing community college by deepening the linkages between high school, higher education and regional industries.