Adult Basic Education: College and Career Readiness

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Adult Basic Education:  English / Language Arts                                                                          


Course Description

Adult Basic Education (ABE) English Language Arts is a college and career preparatory course demonstrating the 21st Century skills of communication, collaboration, creativity, critical thinking, and computer literacy.  ABE is designed for English-speaking adults who wish to improve their basic skills in the areas, with an eye towards preparing to participate in classes in higher education. Basic computer literacy gives students the fundamentals of computer use by creating digital projects (group and individual) and presenting the work to the class.  


Through daily writing assignments and frequent presentations, adult students will improve writing skills and learn to:

  • Identify the features of good writing
  • Build better sentences: 
  • Make sentences pop: use active verbs, eliminate weak words (seems, just, feel, think…), eliminate redundancy, use plain language
  • Use the writing process to create effective and impactful paragraphs with a topic sentence (topic and controlling idea), supporting details and transitions
  • Create paragraphs with purpose, clarity, unity and coherence
  • Write for a variety of purposes and audiences
  • Proofread for clarity
  • Edit other students’ work
  • Deliver engaging presentations with confidence








Adult Basic Education:  Math                                                                          


Course Description

Adult Basic Education-Mathematics is a non-credit course designed to develop literacy and mathematic skills necessary to be a successful worker, citizen and family member. Adult Basic Education prepares students to enroll in GED® preparation courses, Adult High School programs, ESL instruction, and/or support while co-enrolled in a community college. A student enrolled in the ABE Mathematics program may be receiving instruction in one or more content areas as well; including ABE Language Arts, ABE Reading or other Adult General Education subject areas.


Through problem-solving, students will:

  • Gain mathematical understanding and strategic thinking
  • Improve their mathematical reasoning skills
  • Communicate and evaluate their mathematical thinking
  • Make connections among key mathematical concepts
  • Model and solve real-world problems using visual and physical representations
  • Reduce fear and increase confidence when faced with mathematical challenges in real world situations






Lisa Roberts
GED, ABE English/Language Arts, Citizenship Instructor
Phone:  310.937-3340 x3310
phuong phanPhuong Phan     
GED, ABE Math Instructor
Phone: 310.937.3340 x3311
SBAS Survey